So far, the culmination of all that I have read and heard in my life has led to the creation of my own personal quote:
Grow older, be wiser, think steady, be you. Teach others, learn better, be stable, be true.
There are many quotes that have made an impact on me, and in no particular order, here they are, highlighted in bold. Any comments I have regarding them follow.
Time Management is Personal Management
How you handle your time personally is a reflection of how you handle yourself at work. For example, if you are late to work regularly, then procrastination is a familiar friend.
Their enjoyment is our employment (when talking about customers we serve).
Working in hospitality, the customers are those who help pay towards our wage. There is no such thing as a bad customer, only those with special needs. How we serve them dictates how good an experience they have, so even if they complain a lot, there is always a way to ensure they are satisfied a lot without detriment to their pride or ours.
Burn the candle at both ends but don't burn yourself out.
Spoken by my dad who worked himself up from a very poor family. He was a great example of where hard work and graft can take you.
A job is a job.
Also spoken by my dad after I said I didn't want to work in McDonald's when I was young, because it was a crap job. He said a job is a job, and it doesn't matter what it is or who you work for because when you really need it, it pays your bills and puts food on the table. He told me one of his jobs was mucking out the pigs when he was 12 for a low wage, and he did it because it was a job that earned him money, and without it, he'd be homeless.
Experience is a harsh teacher for she gives the test first and the lesson after.
Very true- you only learn through mistakes, which are...
Mistakes are never failures. There is no thing such as failure, just rehearsals towards success.
Success takes time. It might take a short time, it might take a long time, but eventually you get to a level where you think 'Yes, I made it!'
Life is the art of drawing without an eraser. - John W. Gardner
A linear concept but a true one until a time machine is invented and you can redraw your life!
If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut. - Albert Einstein
Hahaha! But learning the art of knowing when to open your mouth and keep it closed is a hard one. I know- because when one is young, you're always yammering away and sometimes forget that too much information is not always a good thing to give! Talking is a skill, but listening is a bigger skill, and harder to obtain.
Life is a journey, not a destination.
Walk your path in life at whatever speed you deem best, but always appreciate what you see, whether it be good or bad.
Life is like chocolate...sometimes you gotta deal with nuts. - Anonymous
Of course, this applies because life ain't always plain and smooth.
Procrastination is my sin. It brings me naught but sorrow. I know that I should stop it. In fact, I will- tomorrow. - Gloria Pitzer
An ironic saying that calls you out on your mental laziness to do anything and bluntly points out your timeline on doing anything. So forget tomorrow, do what you need to do today.
The purpose of life is a life of purpose. – Robert Byrne
Without purpose, there is nothing to aim for and you end up being flotsam and jetsam drifting upon the waves of life.
If you see your glass as half empty, pour it into a smaller glass. - Anonymous
This made me laugh because more volume in a smaller glass does change your outlook.
Music is not a science, but an art; an instant of true appreciation and perception is worth an age of learning and lore. - A. L. Bacharach
Music is a vital part of who I am. I appreciate my parents pushing me into playing piano at age 7, and encouraging me until I found the joy to continue the melody and the resultant discipline on my own so I completed all the grades. This made me into a person who listens to most genres and all lyrics, but unfortunately is rusty nowadays with playing piano! Music colours my life with the courage to pursue my goals, and appeals to and supports the emo hidden within me.
If you want to be successful, it’s just this simple. Know what you are doing. Love what you are doing. And believe in what you are doing. - W.R.
It took a while to figure out my passion in life. You are never too old to be successful.
Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least. - Johann Wolfgang van Goethe
Learning what your priorities are in life can only be gained through your experience of it. The more you experience, the more you understand.
There is one art, no more, no less, to do all things with artlessness. - Grook by Piet Hein, Danish polymath.
Art can be chaotic yet structured, abstract yet curved, mono yet colourful, ugly yet imitates art, and that's all I'll say about that!
Amid those scenes of solitude... the mind is cast into the contemplation of eternal things. - Thomas Cole
Learning to be alone and comfortable with yourself, to listen to your internal thoughts and feelings, and to understand who you are- this takes time and space to do.
Shift: to one (life) spent proactively & consciously choosing what to neglect, in favour of what matters most. - Oliver Burkeman
Life is about choices, so it is important to consider the pros and cons of all choices available, and then embark upon that path that fits your aspirations best.
I shall leave you with one last quote, that is actually an old Irish blessing, which, for me, means to always look forward to every day that comes and make it the best I can be, to satisfy my need to have a productive day and know each day is superceded by yesterday's in terms of 'bestness'.
May the best days of your past, be the worst days of your future!