Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Posting after many years...

It is now 2021, and when I see how much time has passed since the last time I posted something extensive, it's 10 years! Seeing that figure in black and white brings home to me how old I have become (but wiser as well) and how much I have changed and developed as a person.

(This blog is and will be unashamedly about me- my observations, my interpretations of all that's around me, and what I have learned. I don't mind who reads this blog, even if a lot of it is personal. My life is constantly evolving, and this blog is where I post some of my thoughts and feelings and, as a bonus, improve my writing and  articulation!)

I've written loads of poems (which I will post here in due time), read lots of books (a given, since I love reading), travelled quite a bit (until covid hit, which has nixed that for now), changed my work industry from business administration to hospitality, and learnt the following useful mantras in life:

- Practice Makes Permanent

- Time Management is Personal Management

- 'Constructive Critisism' is meant to improve your skillset in the workplace, and not meant to bruise your ego!

...and an age-old Irish blessing: May the best days of your past be the worst days of your future!

I am proud to be a life-long learner, and I understand how easy it can be to fall into a rut which is safe but unsatisfying. I have been there quite a few times, and questioned myself a few times too. I've asked myself 'Who am I? Who do I want to be? Am I happy where I am now? Can I change to be better? How do I do this?'

The path to improvement is never smooth, and I've ruffled a few feathers, hurt some people immensely, and perhaps I could have done some things differently, in hindsight. 

Hindsight is hindsight though, and what it does is teach me how to deal with a similar situation in a better way. 

Wth situations I have never been in before, I rely on a mixture of intuition, bravery (though I am probably sh**ting myself inside) and common sense. I know I will make mistakes, and before, I would have beaten myself up for making them.  However mistakes are learning experiences, and if I make that mistake again, I still won't beat myself up about it. BUT if I make that mistake again a third time, that's me being stubborn and a little egotistical and if I am like that, I cannot grow as a person!

I've realised life is about challenging yourself constantly, and making myself do things that I enjoy but haven't done for ages! Like this blog and writing Google reviews. 

By the way, I managed to get a million view milestone on Google Reviews (I was pleased and astonished when I got the notification email on this) and this slight thing encourages me to keep on going!

So, on that note, I shall continue taking those small steps of improvement along my path in life (a bit of a mouthful to say but true) , and say Cheerio until the next blog post!

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